Anson & McVay Surgical Anatomy Chester B. McVay Vol 1 & 2 Hardcover 1984

Anson & McVay Surgical Anatomy Chester B. McVay Vol 1 & 2 Hardcover 1984
Anson & McVay Surgical Anatomy Chester B. McVay Vol 1 & 2 Hardcover 1984
Anson & McVay Surgical Anatomy Chester B. McVay Vol 1 & 2 Hardcover 1984
Anson & McVay Surgical Anatomy Chester B. McVay Vol 1 & 2 Hardcover 1984

Discover a vintage gem with the 1984 editions of "Surgical Anatomy" Volume 1 and 2 by Chester B. McVay, published by W.B. Saunders. These pre-owned books are a valuable addition for collectors and medical professionals alike. They are in pre-owned condition with some wear and stains on the covers.

Their historical significance and detailed illustrations make them a noteworthy find. Don't miss the chance to own these classic references in surgical anatomy!

Type: Textbook
Level: Advanced
Author: Chester B. McVay
Format: Hardcover
Subject: Medicine
Features: Illustrated
Language: English
Publisher: W.B. Saunders Company
Unit Type: Unit
Personalized: No
Subject Area: Anatomy
Unit Quantity: 1
Number of Pages: 1313
Publication Name: Surgical Anatomy
Publication Year: 1984
Educational Level: Adult & Further Education
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

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