The Cognition Workbook Textbook 5th Ed Essays Demonstrations and Explorations

The Cognition Workbook Textbook 5th Ed Essays Demonstrations and Explorations
The Cognition Workbook Textbook 5th Ed Essays Demonstrations and Explorations
The Cognition Workbook Textbook 5th Ed Essays Demonstrations and Explorations
The Cognition Workbook Textbook 5th Ed Essays Demonstrations and Explorations

This book is titled "The Cognition Workbook: Essays, Demonstrations, and Explorations" by Daniel Explorations.

It was published by W.W. Norton & Company in 2013 and is the fifth edition.

This paperback book has 194 pages and it meas

ISBN: 9780393919325
Type: Workbook
Level: Intermediate
Author: Daniel Explorations
Format: Paperback
Series: Does Not Apply
Subject: English, Grammar
Language: English
Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company
Subject Area: Psychology
Publication Name: The Cognition Workbook: Essays, Demonstrations, and Explorations
Publication Year: 2013
Educational Level: College
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

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